100 most amazing facts in one line

Welcome to the Facts Hub at quotemotiv — a treasure trove of fascinating insights and knowledge! Immerse yourself in a world of intriguing facts that will spark your curiosity and broaden your understanding. From the awe-inspiring to the little-known, our curated collection invites you to explore the wonders of the world around you. Get ready to uncover the extraordinary, share in the marvels of the universe, and enrich your mind with a journey through the captivating realm of facts. #FactFinds #DiscoverTheExtraordinary


The only planet in our solar system known to harbor life is Earth.

The most intricate object in the known universe is the human brain.

About 60% of the human body is made of water.

Throughout their lifetime, the average person produces enough saliva to fill two swimming pools.

Over the course of a lifetime, the heart pumps enough blood to fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool.

The stomach can dissolve two cars with the amount of acid it produces in a lifetime.

The length of the small intestine is around 22 feet.

Every day, the kidneys filter roughly 150 quarts of blood.

Every day, the lungs take in roughly 2,000 quarts of air.

There are roughly 25,000 taste buds on an average person.

Roughly 10 million distinct colors are visible to the human eye.

Sounds as high as 20,000 Hertz and as low as 20 Hertz can be heard by the human ear.

Over 10,000 distinct smells are detectable by the nose.

Five flavours are detectable by the tongue: umami, sweet, sour, salty, and bitter.

There are roughly 100,000 hairs on the head of the average person.

Approximately 100 hairs are lost daily by the average person.

Weekly nail growth is approximately 1 millimeter.

Every week, the toenails grow by roughly 0.5 millimeters.

One liter of sweat is produced by an average person every hour.

A typical person’s breathing occurs between 12 and 20 times per minute.

A person’s blink rate is typically between 15 and 20 per minute.

An average person has three to five dreams every night.

The typical person sleeps for roughly six hours every day.

The average person chuckles roughly thirteen times every day.

An average person sheds a tear or two per month.

An average person falls ill two or three times a year.

The average person reaches the age of 79.

At 122 years old, the world’s oldest person was found.

At 8 feet 11 inches, the world’s tallest person was situated.

The shortest person on record stood at two feet and one inch.

The heaviest person in history weighed 1,143 pounds.

The lightest person on the planet weighed one pound, six ounces.

The oldest married couple in the world had been together for 86 years and 267 days.

The dog who lived the longest in history was 29 years, 5 months old.

At 4 feet 4 inches tall and 247 pounds in weight, the largest dog in the world was born.

The smallest dog in the world weighed four ounces and stood 3.8 inches tall.

Length of the longest cat in the world: 3 feet 11 inches.

The tiniest cat in the world measured 3.8 inches in height and weighed two pounds.

There was a 43-year-old goldfish in the world.

The longest goldfish in the world measured 15.5 inches.

The tiniest goldfish ever measured 0.16 inches in length.

277.9 mph is the fastest car in the world.

The largest aero plane in the world measures 364 feet across the wings.

The tallest structure in the world is 828 meters high.

At 35,814 feet, the deepest ocean trench on Earth can be found.

The Himalaya Mountains are the largest mountain range in the world.

The Nile River is the longest river in the world.

Rice is the food most people eat worldwide.

Water is the most consumed beverage worldwide.

Worlds most popular color is Blue.

The ant is the most ubiquitous animal on the planet.

Grass is the most common plant on earth.

The Goliath birdeater spider is the biggest spider in the world.

The Patu digua is the tiniest spider in the world.

The blue dwarf butterfly is the tiniest butterfly in the world.

The Sphaerodactylus ariadnensis is the tiniest lizard in the world.

The Paedophryne amabilis is the tiniest frog in the world.

The common ostrich is the largest bird in the world.

The Paedocypris progenetica is the tiniest fish in the world.

Every year, more people perish from falling coconuts than from shark attacks.

The age of the sun is roughly 4.6 billion years.

The age of the moon is roughly 4.5 billion years.

In 1957, a dog by the name of Laika became the first animal in space.

With a top speed of 75 mph, the cheetah is the fastest land animal.

With a top speed of 200 mph, the peregrine falcon is the fastest bird in the sky.

With a top speed of 68 mph, sailfish are the fastest fish in the sea.

The blue whale, which can reach a length of 100 feet and a weight of 200 tonnes, is the largest animal on the planet.

About the size of a bumblebee, the bumblebee bat is the smallest mammal.

The giant weta is the biggest insect, measuring roughly.

Australia’s inland taipan is home to the most venomous snake.

Since it spreads diseases like dengue fever and malaria, the mosquito is the animal that poses the greatest threat to humans.

Rafflesia arnoldii is the largest flower in the world, reaching up to 3 feet in width and 15 pounds in weight.

Methuselah, a bristlecone pine tree that is over 4,800 years old, is the oldest known living thing.

Challenger Deep, at 35,853 feet, is the lowest point in the ocean.

The Caspian Sea is the world’s largest lake, which.